Breast Beauty Cream

Apply enough cream to cover one finger tip on each breast and gently massage, avoiding the nipple. Use circular movement for about 3-5 minutes until cream has been completely absorbed. Use two times daily for 2 months to achieve maximum results. Thereafter, use once every two days or 2-3 times a week for maintenance.
It should be used in combination with Ladymax®, Rejuvir® (or) Soyamin® for better result.
LADYMAXTM Breast Beauty Cream is formulated with Pueraria mirifica extract. Pueraria mirifica is one of the most popular sought herbs in breast enhancement treatments. Phytoestrogen from Pueraria mirifica root can bind to estrogen receptors in the breast tissue and help improve the cup size by lengthening and branching the ducts that connect to the nipple. It also increases the fatty tissue and ligaments to the nipple, around the breast which provide support and shape.
These milk ducts branch out from the nipple into the interior of the breast, resulting in breast size increased naturally. Its active compounds restore youthful elasticity to over stretched tissues, to lift efficiently and firm sagging breasts. It helps to maintain the collagen and stimulates development of new cells in skin, which improves breast skin.
Should not be used in pregnant women, breast feeding mother and women under 20 years of age. Stop application if any allergy occurs.
Quantity supplied:
40 g per tube